In a world destroyed by the perversion of man, a humble carpenter named Noah (played by Russell Crowe, " Gladiator ( ) 'and ' Robin Hood ' ) is an important mission to be crucial for the evolution and development of the human race.
God , tired of the corrupt and depraved behavior of human beings to whom he gave life , warns Noah of a great flood and imminent need to debug and release to the land of human action. Respectful hearted carpenter becomes chosen to ensure the success of this divine plan , is responsible for protecting those species that are not involved in the devastation of nature and the decline of the planet.
Noah will have to build a giant ark to save his family , which shall bring two of every animal species to preserve its conservation and growth after the apocalyptic flood that will destroy humanity and its fateful behavior. The ark prevent beings that are within die drowned and kept alive for later reconstruction of the universe.
Darren Aronofsky takes this myth that has been transcending throughout human history to the big screen with the help of award-winning screenwriter John Logan (" Gladiator ( ) 'and ' The Aviator ' ) . A story , according to the director , timely and contemporary to our time talking about an environmental apocalypse, a fairly recurring theme in our present .
Directed by Darren Aronofsky / Country: USA / Adventure, Drama, Fantasy / Cast : Russell Crowe , Emma Watson , Logan Lerman, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins